
Germany Wants Its Own Internet In NSA Spying Wake

2013-10-25 09:22 by


As relations between the US and Europe become increasingly strained because, the NSA spied on 35 world leaders, the state-backed Deutsche Telekom has stated that it wants to create a national internet to protect Germany from future privacy infringements. The telecom calls other communications companies to join forces and shield local internet traffic from external intelligence services, which may be a rather tricky task.

"It is internationally without precedent that the internet traffic of a developed country bypasses the servers of another country," said Torsten Gerpott, a professor of business and telecoms at the University of Duisburg-Essen. "The push of Deutsche Telekom is laudable, but it's also a public relations move."

Government snooping is a sensitive subject in Germany, which has among the strictest privacy laws in the world, since it dredges up memories of eavesdropping by the Stasi secret police in the former East Germany, where Chancellor Angela Merkel grew up.

Similar concepts were pushed forth by Brazil recently as well, even though it seems obvious that the NSA's reach could easily extend into private, national networks.

Read more -here-
Related Story: Don't Let the NSA Kill the Internet


  User Reviews/Comments:
by anonymous - 2013-10-27 11:23
This could balloon out so all countries have what they believe is their own internet; but, they would only have an INTRANET. This ends up being a system to feed the masses soley what a government wants them to hear. (sounds like another way to make a terrorist organization)
What needs to be done is two things; One: beef up security at institutions that are deemed critical/crucial and monitor all those with access to have accountability for any sort of security breach. Two: Pull their collective heads out of the sand and face reality; someone, somewhere will hack their system and they will end up no better off.
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